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Amiguitos de Japón

IF: Old-fashioned


I am not such a clever one about the latest fads
I admit I was never one adored by local lads
Not that I ever tried to be a saint
I’m the type that they classify as quaint

I’m old fashioned, I love the moonlight
I love the old fashioned things
The sound of rain upon a window pane
The starry song that April sings
This years fancies are passing fancies
But sighing sighs, holding hands
These my heart understands

I’m old fashioned but I don’t mind it
That’s how I want to be
As long as you agree
To stay old fashioned with me.


  1. ay! qué bonito! que ensoñación de ilustraciones!<3

  2. XD!! q monada con su musiqita y todo, le pega cantidad.

  3. Genie: Gracias :_______)
    Noneta: Es que cuando ví que el tema era Old-fashioned enseguida pensé en esa canción.


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